PO Box 5695
Dillon, CO 80435
Golfing is Our hobby
We all believe that with one more gadget and
and a little luck we can beat the club pro.
Club pros don’t sweat, these are dreams of Duffers
If you feel this pamphlet helps you please send us $2.00 (to above address) , so we can keep sending these out to golfers across the globe. We only want you to donate if you feel like we have helped. Please share this information with anyone you feel would like it. This is our way of giving back to golfers.
DON”T Listen to your friends
By now you can tell we do not like to give direction but only offer advise. It is the custom of most golfers in America to try to fix their partners swing. We advise that you not listen. If you want instruction we suggest you talk to a PGA teaching pro. While your friend may just be repeating what the pro told him it may be for a different issue and not applicable to your problem.
Consider the person giving you the advise.
Are they trying to help? Probably
Are they making you feel inadequate? Probably
Do you give him or her advise on topics that you are not a professional in? Probably Not.
So why listen. If you want to be polite listen just don’t pay attention. If you have a good enough relationship tell them while you appreciate the help a Pro told you to do it this way and your going to try his or her advise for a while to see if it helps.
Now for those of you wanting to give advise think about what your doing. If you want to encourage people telling them to relax, slow down, and don’t rush. We think that is fine advise for all things in life, but leave the golf swing alone. The pros have trouble maintaining good swing mechanics the duffers will always struggle. In addition how does it make you feel when a know it all tries to recreate your swing in his or her warped image. Not good, right? Lets let the duffer enjoy a nice walk on the green grass.
Selection of playing partners is important these associates will set the tone for your golfing experience. Try not to pick clowns, scratch golfers, or know it alls. If you pick well you will enjoy the learning process and be ready to make strides forward.
Finally practice as much as you want to improve. If you just want to be a duffer go in and have a drink and relax. If your goal is to join the senior tour then practice your butt off. Good luck.